Self Check-In Kiosks

Frequently Asked Questions

We are excited about the opportunity to provide you with a great new check-in experience. We believe by modernizing the way we do patient intake, we will create a better overall experience for you.

Why is the new check-in system being implemented?

We believe the mobile pre-check and the kiosks will help us with the following:

What If I Don’t Want To Use The Kiosk?

You are more than welcome to check in at the desk. One of the great things about the kiosk is that it allows for shorter waiting room times. We think this is a great benefit to you. If you need help with checking in, we are available to help you.

I Like To See And Talk To A Real Person.

We love our patients and want to see and interact with you as well. The new check in process allows us to focus on you where before we had to focus on getting all your patient information and/or insurance data collected. The Clearwave system will allow us the time and opportunity to provide better service to you.

I Am Concerned The Staff Will Lose Their Jobs.

When we first heard about this, we thought that might be the case too. Our jobs are secure. In fact our jobs have just changed a little bit so that we can truly focus on what is important – you. We are going to enjoy our work more because the office will run smoother than before. We are excited about these changes, and while change is sometimes difficult, you will find it very beneficial after you check in a few times.

Is My Privacy Protected?

Absolutely. The system is HIPAA compliant and is in full compliance with all privacy rules and regulations. In fact, your information is fully encrypted allowing us to protect it even more securely than ever before.

Healthcare Should Be Personal Not Electronic!

We think so too! Paperwork and the entire insurance process is a necessary part of every patient visit. The kiosks allow us to quickly and easily get the paperwork out of the way so that we can focus on you. It is our goal to provide personalized patient care. Our focus is always on you – our patient and making the healthcare experience easier and better for you.

We look forward to continuing to make your healthcare experience better.