Life After Surgery: Returning To A Life In Motion

July 22, 2024

After a total joint replacement surgery your work really begins to get back to living your life in motion. 

Exercise is important in your recovery and your surgeon will work with you and our physical therapy team to ensure you are strengthening your new joint and the muscles around it correctly and safely. 

Your physical therapist will also access your level of function, range of motion, and strength, creating a rehabilitation program tailored to your level of function and goals. You may also work with an occupational therapist to teach you how to perform everyday tasks such as dressing and bathing safely. 

Recovery timelines vary patient to patient depending on previous level of activity, how your body responds to surgery, and your level of activity after.

Total Hip And Knee Replacements

The majority of patients walk with a walker for 2-3 weeks then transition to a cane until they feel stable enough to walk independently. Swelling may persist for 3-4 months after surgery. 

Total Shoulder Replacement 

Patients use a sling or immobilizer full time for 4 weeks then gradually wean from use until 8-12 weeks post-op. Active range of motion can be done on their own and at 12 weeks, strengthening exercises can be added. 

It is recommended that you continue therapeutic exercises for at least 3 months after surgery. After 6-8 weeks you can utilize the joint as much as you like, either through walking, swimming, or other exercises you enjoyed doing prior to surgery. However, these should not be a replacement for specific strengthening exercises given to you by your PT. Activities that put a lot of stress on the joint such as jumping, lifting too heavy of weights, and contact sports may be recommended to avoid. 


We are proud to hear back from patients about how they have been able to keep up their active lifestyle after surgery! Read on for some happy reviews: 

“I am so thankful for Dr. Katherine Schnell, I am just a few months post ankle surgery and now I am able to lightly jog and run short distances without pain. I feel like I got my life back and would recommend her to anyone with foot pain”

“Thank you, Dr. Davies for giving me my life back. I am no longer in pain and can get back to what I love to do – biking in the summer and skiing in the winter. I can even sit in a car for hours without pain.”

“October 29 was life changing, due to severe degenerative osteoarthritis in my knees, Dr. Goldschmidt and Dr. Zamzow replaced both. Today, I can still say it was the best decision of my life! It was teamwork at its finest. Thank you for giving me my life back and getting me back on the trail.” 

“Had the best surgeon tackle some major shoulder problems. I had been seeing a back/spine and pain specialist in Edina for about three years before this. Finally, I got a second opinion with Dr. Rudolph. They got me scheduled for a couple X-rays and MRIs within two days! 9 days later I had a surgery scheduled. They really do care here. He performed surgery and everything went better than well. Ended up with some bone spurs, shave down as well as a pin, and my bicep to my shoulder. As for my PT/OT Amber, she was heaven sent. I couldn’t have done this recovery without her. I needed somebody to keep me accountable but yet not mean or pushy. Not only was she excellent and knowledgeable, but a lot of her practices used the Pilates Reformer machine which I really enjoyed. After PT is over she’ll work with you at Pilates classes that she teaches at the other OA location! Overall if I can give this 10 stars I would. Thank you to Orthopaedic Associates, without you, I would still be in pain thinking it was normal, taking multiple medications to just get up to work everyday. I recommend everyone and anyone going here!”

If you are living with pain and want to talk to our team about your treatment options, visit or call 218-722-5513.