Hydration And Orthopaedic Wellness: Why Water Matters
March 25, 2024
We’re told to make sure to drink enough water, stay hydrated, keep a water bottle with us to make it a habit. But what is the actual importance of consuming enough water? Read on to learn how H2O benefits the body, how much to consume, and some tips to staying hydrated.

In short, water transports nutrients to cells, gets rid of waste in the body, and protects joints and organs. Let’s dive further into it all to see how hydration helps keep you in motion!
Our muscles are energized by water. Inadequate hydration can compromise blood flow to working muscle, causing the cells to shrivel and fatigue. This may result in our muscles not working to the most of their ability and becoming more susceptible to injury.
Water lubricates your joints. Cartilage, which is found in joints and the disks of the spine, contain about 80% water and acts as a cushion to reduce friction and promote smooth movement. Dehydration can degrade this cushion, reducing the joints’ ability to absorb shocks, causing stiffness and pain, and making you more susceptible to conditions such as arthritis and injuries like dislocations and ligament tears. Staying hydrated also helps maintain the strength and elasticity of our connective tissues, reducing strain and enhancing our range of motion.
Our bones are made up of about 25% water and need a constant supply to maintain their structural integrity and limit the risk of becoming brittle, making them more prone to fractures.
Our latest blog addresses the importance of nutrient intake for musculoskeletal health and care. (Read Here!) Crucial nutrients dissolve in the water we consume, making it possible for them to reach the parts of the body that are in need of them. Dehydration limits this ability for nutrient transportation.
Water Intake
We lose fluid continuously throughout our day from skin evaporation, urine, and breathing. If your water intake does not equal your output, you can become dehydrated.
Water should always be your go-to beverage. The amount you are recommended to drink in a day depends on your activity level, height and weight, and health conditions. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables that consist of water can help in your daily intake.
The overall general recommendation is to drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day. However, for guidelines specific to your health, ask your doctor or dietitian for their recommendation.
Not a fan of the taste of water? Try adding a lemon wedge, cucumber slice, or fresh mint for a healthy add-in and additional flavor.
People will often drink sports drinks in place of water. Most sports drinks contain electrolytes including sodium, potassium, calcium, as well as simple sugars. This can be useful for athletes doing intense exercise for a long period of time and sweating, so they need a replenishment of electrolytes. However for non-athletes or those doing typical workouts, they are mainly just a sugary beverage and water is sufficient in hydration.
Additional Tips
– Make a goal on how many glasses of water you want to drink a day.
– Drink water before, during, and after exercise and physical activities.
– Include water-rich foods into your diet to help with fluid replenishment.
– There is such a thing as overhydrating, listen to your body’s cues.
Now, with the knowledge of why water is such an integral part of your health, pour a glass and let’s cheers to hydration!